Saturday, July 30, 2011

NOx analyzer off; affecting other trace gas measurements

NOx analyzer on profiler system seems to have overheated shortly after noon today (7/30/2011) and is currently off. Other measurements (SO2, O3, CO, etc.) on the profiler system are suspect until the inlet can be plugged.

People on roof of trailer 8

Troubleshooting mystery nitrate peaks, we were on the roof of trailer 8:
~ 5:30-6 pm Thurs 7/28
~11-12:30 pm and 7-7:30 pm Fri 7/29
briefly changed some lines ~ 2:40 pm Sat 7/30

Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29. ~Car arrived and came on site between 8:30 and 9:00am and departed around 12:30pm

2011/7/29 Reservoir refill

7:05-7:15 Refilled reservoir on TAG. Exposed deuterated acetone to air inside Seatainer #3.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

NH3 heater burn-off again

NH3 heater conditioning, starting 1 pm 7/28/11. Hope this will be all it takes and we can soon stop stinking up the southwest quadrant of the BEACHON site!

The cylinder truck from US Welding left at 10:13 local time. A picture of the UCAR truck (the other vehicle that arrived today) is attached. The UCAR truck was parked by Trailer #2.
July 28. ~9:15 Gas truck arrives onsite. ~9:35 A second truck arrives.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

10 - 15ml Methanol spill around 4:45pm local time in Trailer # 1.

New heater "burn-off", 7/27 4:45 pm

New NH3 converter oven on for the first time - judging by the stink it emitted some mystery volatiles for ~ 15 minutes. Sorry!

People on roof of trailer 8

2:15-3:15 pm Wednesday 7/27

NO3 PAM now has N2O5 injection behind the screen, rather than in front.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Honda Insight

14:50h - An undocumented Honda Insight is parked in the middle of the field site.  When did it arrive?  I know it's SULEV, does that mean we don't have to document?  :)

People on roof of trailer 8

Fry/Zarzana on roof of trailer 8 10:15-11:45 AM

Monday, July 25, 2011

Vented refrigerant

July 25, ~5 PM. A small amount of refrigerant was vented while charging the CSU IN instrument.
14:56 Local time: A Chevy pickup from IREA came to the site and then left almost immediately.

Clean Johns!!

~1300h Verified clean portta-pots!!  Which means btw 1:00h and 13:00h today a waste truck clean out the johnny on the spot. 

Liquid N2 Truck

The liquid N2 truck left the site at 11:28 am local time. Briefly stopped at Trailer#1 to deliver a dewar.

At 10:15 AM MDT the US Welding truck showed up and parked by trailer #3.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

7/24 Evening - Isopropanol use

The MPIC group used a small amount of isopropanol for cleaning of biological sampling equipment that could not be easily moved. Specific times will be updated here later. Further cleanings are planned to be performed at the lab across the road.

7/24 1:12 pm Large Penske Truck on Site

A large Penske (moving) truck drove around the back perimeter of the site and towards the main exit.

TAG-AMS instrument delivery

2011/7/23 19:50-20:50 24-ft truck delivered instrument to seatainer #3 --Arthur

Saturday, July 23, 2011

LANL group and cars arrive on site

The Los Alamos group arrived at 16:15 MST (17:15 local time) to unpack their stuff into #10.

7/23 5:10pm Truck on Site & Methanol

~5:10 pm: White truck on site to deliver refrigerator. Also transported closed bottle of methanol.

7/23 ~15:30 - Truck on site

The MPIC group drove our large pick-up truck (gasoline) to the small horse trailers at approximately 3:30 pm today for an instrument delivery. The truck was moved a couple times and left ~5:00 pm.
Possibly vented a few ppb of N2O5 on the roof of trailer 8 at 1:37. A valve was not connected properly. The exhaust flow on the PAM chamber was on, but the instrument flow was not. The N2O5/NO3 instrument next to the PAM saw a very short (>4 sec) spike in NO3 (~200 ppt) and N2O5 (~300 ppt)

Car at Site

~12:40h white truck on site to deliver instruments and move filter sampler.

Heptane vial

Briefly opened a small vial containing heptane at ~11:40 am. The vial was opened inside a duct exhausting to a large charcoal filter to reduce impact as much as possible.

Dry Ice

At 11:00 AM we moved some dry ice from the parking lot to trailer 7 and then we moved about 2/3 of the way back to the parking lot to crush the ice. In the future we will be crushing the dry ice offsite.
Kyle Zarzana and Julie Fry

Friday, July 22, 2011

7/22 5:30 pm Driving Near Site

Bill Dube et al pulled up to the site at 5:30 pm to drop off filter samplers.

Branch Trimming

4:33-4:35PM 20 July: snipped a few small Ponderosa branches above ST8 (Kyle Zarzana)


Julie said...
11:30 am 7/20/11: We moved some dry ice around in trailer 7. This will happen regularly to preserve N2O5 calibration samples. If anyone is measuring CO2 and this was detectable, let us know and we will adjust our transfer procedure! Julie Fry / Kyle Zarzana / Bill Dube / Danielle Draper

Cars at Site

2011-07-22 13:25h

There were about 5-6 cars driving to/from and parked at the site yesterday. Please try to minimize car traffic beyond the parking area by the porta pot as we are actively sampling. If you do drive to the site please post on this blog so we can track traffic.

Thanks, Amber