Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Liquid N2 dewar at the site

There was a liquid N2 dewar delivery truck from 10:30 to 11:00 am local time today.


Monday, August 22, 2011

Traffic at the Site

As mentioned in my email, our gas delivery truck was on site from 1135h-1203h (MDT).

Mike Flynn had a truck come pick up his equipment around 1500h (MDT).

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Truck onsite this afternoon, 15-15:30

As Alex's email said, we were onsite this afternoon with a truck to drop boxes and pick up the incubator. Truck drove slowly along road north of tower, engine was on 15:00-15:03, 15:10-15:12, and departed site at 15:30.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Fire impact at site: 7:35 pm 8/19 - 5 am 8/20

Hi all,
According to our NO2 data, the fire plume arrived at the site at ~7:35 pm last night and was dissipated by 5 am this morning.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Fire near the site

There is a wildfire burning near Monument, CO. The fire is ~8 miles to the east and is on the other side of a ridge. It started at ~14:00 local time and at 18:30 local time we could smell it in Woodland Park. Some more information can be found here:,0,3687151.story and here:

People on roof of trailer 8

We were on the roof of trailer 8 around the PAM chambers from 10:30-11:30 am local, 8/19/11.
Julie, Kyle, Bill, Danielle

Trucks on site this afternoon

Dear all,
First I must apologize for the inconvenience that I brought to you when I drove the car to the sampling site without informing in advance. Today there are two trucks on the site at ~1:30 PM and left at ~2:30 PM.

Luping Su
Graduate Student

SUNY Stony Brook

Fumes from our new Zero air source in Trailer # 1

We installed a new platinum catalyst zero air generator and had to bake it out which produced some fumes/smoke from 11:25 am - 12:25 pm (local time) in Trailer # 1. We had the trailer door open during this period.


19 august -- cherry picker signal?

The TDCIMS has just moved into the horse trailer next to the PAM experiment. TOday I noticed my particle counts increasing by x10 (see attached fig), and then abruptly return to normal ambient levels (see attached fig). Julie mentioned that the cherry picker might have been on during that time. Do we have a log of cherry picker operation?

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

delivery truck on site for Univ. Mainz group

large diesel truck on site between 16:00 and 16:35 to load up 6-7 crates from trailer 1.

4 August storm - car near site

during the severe thunderstorm on 4 August (the one that happened during the data meeting) I had to recover from a power glitch before heading home and drove a Ford Fusion hybrid (low emissions!) near the north meadow. The car never left the road and was parked about 50' N of the meadow at around 15:00 local time.

van near site

The NCAR white van was making a gas cylinder delivery near the north meadow at 11:15 local time. It never left the dirt road.

Truck at Site

US Welding Co. gas delivery truck is on site from 9:30-10a

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Truck onsite

Tues, 8/16 9:45 AM. USWelding truck leaves site. I'm told it arrived before 8:30.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Car Onsite

14 August, ~18:30 (in), ~20:00 (out). CU Monson Group drove car onto site up back road to near water study area.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Indiana Group packs up.

11 August: Indiana Group packed up. Arrive at 10:11am and  left at 2:15pm (LT). They comment "Driving slowly!!"
Forest Service Vehicle drove up road near site at 2:02pm, taking a right at the fork. The vehicle idled near the site for about 5 minutes, before leaving around 2:10. The driver worked for the forest service fire department, and was evaluating our site in case of fire.

Pick-up truck drives through site.

8/14, 12:50: Truck (Forest Service?) drives through site.

Possible Fire East of Lodge

At ~9:35 AM MDT a plume of smoke was observed about a mile behind the lodge and there was a slight smell of burning at the lodge. A Teller County Sheriff vehicle investigated, and the plume was not seen again. More information to follow(?).

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Solvent use

7:30-7:45 Refilled reservoir in TAG. Exposed deuterated acetone to air inside Seatainer #3.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Horse Trailer 6 moved to near Rental Trailer 8.

Horse Trailer 6 moved to near Rental Trailer 8 (for future sampling of PAM outflow by TD-CIMS). Alex H.'s truck used/running at 15:13-15:15, 15:30-15:40, & 15:55-15:57.

Wedding up the road from the site

There is a wedding down the road from the site.  Many vehicles are driving to the site, then turning around when they realize it's not a wedding.  At least 5 cars seen coming to the site between 1630-1700h. Many more vehicles are traveling the logging road. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

WD-40 used on Horsetrailer 5

WD-40 used on Horsetrailer#5 at 11:55 PM (9 Aug, 2011) (to loosen back door to move bioaerosol incubator from HT#6).

Road Work on US67 2.5 - 5 miles north of site

All day there was road work on UC67starting 2.5 miles north of site, extending to 5 miles north of site. Work characterized as "chip seal". Tar applied in thin layer, then small gravel, then tar/sealant. A bit of dust and tar smell. Appears that wind was primarily from the NW throughout afternoon (not north). PTRMS detected anything? (workers told us they would be done today 8/9/11).

US Welding delivery earlier today

The US Welding delivery truck arrived at 10 am MDT and left about an hour later.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Truck Traffic at site

At ~15:50 MDT a tow truck drove up the road, and then went right at the fork and south of the site to the stuck cherry picker. At ~16:10 the tow truck departed by the same route. At 16:25 the cherry picker drove down to the site and stopped over by trailer #3 and the horse trailer.

Prius at the site

At roughly 11:10 AM MDT a Prius drove up towards the site, and then went right at the fork onto the road that goes around the south side of the site.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Butanol - small contained spill inside Trailer #10

Tues 8/2 10:46am - Some butanol (approx. 100 mL) spilled from our CPC fill/drain bottles into the plastic bag we were using as a secondary container in trailer #10. The bag was sealed up and taken off-site to the lodge area for clean up.

Trace gasses back on line as of Saturday 7/30/2011 ~5pm

NO analyzer is down, but inlet was plugged so the other measurements on the profiler system (CO2, O3, CO, SO2) are OK. A few hours of "bad" data on Saturday afternoon (~2-5pm MDT).